You're In Good Hands
After years of medical training and experience, I understand how to work with my patients to ensure they receive the best care possible. My thoughtful and personalized approach means I’m fully committed to the health and well-being of all my patients. Read below to find out about services I provide. With a Doctor like me, and you’re in great hands. This is why it is so important that you take the time to find the best podiatrist in Palm City, Stuart, Hobe Sound, Jensen Beach, Jupiter, and Palm Beach Gardens to diagnose and treat your heel pain.
Heel Pain Diagnosis and Treatment
Helping You Get Healthy
Heel pain is one of the more common and painful foot conditions we treat at Family First Podiatry.
The tricky thing about heel pain is that many of the causes of pain in your heel mimic each other. If your podiatrist does not identify the correct problem, they could be wasting your time and your money; worst of all, they could be doing more harm than good.

Ingrown Toenails
Helping You Get Healthy
You notice that your big toe is a little sore and red around one side of the nail, but you brush it off. Maybe it’s just an injury. It doesn’t hurt much, so it should be fine. Perhaps you type your symptoms into Dr. Google and decide that you have an ingrown toenail. No big deal, right?
Foot and Ankle Fractures
The Care You Deserve
A fracture is a partial or complete break in a bone. In the ankle, fractures can range from the less serious avulsion injuries (small pieces of bone that have been pulled off) to severe shattering-type breaks of the tibia, fibula or both.

Fungal Toenails
The Care You Deserve
Are you noticing discoloration of thickness in your toenails? You may have toenail fungus. Don't worry, it's not contagious or fatal, so if you don't mind looking at it, then no treatment is needed.
If you're like many you may want your fungal toenails to return to their original color.
Bunions & Hammertoes
Helping You Get Healthy

Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery
Helping You Get Healthy
Helping You Get Healthy